From the start of early Spring 2021, TDI-Brooks continues to drive forward in an emerging market performing marine site investigations for several of the offshore wind operators on the US East Coast. TDI-Brooks operates four (4) research vessels on the spot market with two (2) US-flagged research vessels dedicated to the wind farm market on the East Coast.  Our specialty is the survey, geotechnical and benthic components of these wind farm projects” Dr. Jim Brooks, President and CEO of TDI-Brooks stated.

In April 2021, TDI-Brooks re-mobilized its two (2) US-flagged research vessels (R/V Brooks McCall and R/V EMMA McCALL) to Fall River, MA to perform over the rest of 2021 several different Wind Farm projects located South of Long Island, New York and South of Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard.  These projects are on-going through December 2022 with the EMMA McCALL having some availability starting in early September.  The picture below shows these two (2) vessels dockside at Fall River.

The geotechnical component along cable routes and within lease blocks consisted of deploying a variety of tools including their Feritech FT550 electric and TDI-Brooks designed pneumatic vibrocorer (pVC) systems along with their Datem Neptune 5,000 (N5K) and 3,000 (N3K) cone penetrometer test rigs (CPT).  The picture below shows deployment of TDI-Brooks pVC.  The benthic components were mostly ROV transects and grab sampling. Hundreds (100’s) of VCs, CPTs, ROV transects and grab/box core samples were acquired.

Upon completion of the geotechnical vibracoring, all samples are sent to the TDI-Brooks’ ISO-certified geotechnical and environmental laboratories in College Station, Texas for testing.

The geophysical projects consisted of sidescan sonar, TVG magnetometer, multibeam, USBL, parametric subbottom profiler and 2D ultra high-resolution (UHR) with single and multi-channel seismic systems to provide detailed seabed and shallow sub-surface data. The data generate supports the inter-array cables, route planning for project design via pre-lay route surveys and survey works during cable lay, including as-built surveys for cable detection (depth of burial). Geophysical and hydrographic surveys ascertain seabed bathymetry, morphology, classification, marine habitats and sub-seabed layers.  The picture below shows the multi-channel streamer onboard the Brooks McCall. Both vessels will be back in the field this month performing geotechnical and benthic sampling for another offshore wind operator off Massachusetts with follow-on work into 2023.

More details on our TDI-Brooks HERE. Contact Jim Brooks at / +1 979-693-3446 and/or Melissa Wood at / +1 713-208-1734

About TDI-Brooks

TDI-Brooks is a 25-year old research and service company specializing in geotechnical and offshore survey projects; multi-disciplinary oceanographic and environmental projects; surface geochemical exploration; and high-end environmental chemistry for IOC and OSWF clients along federal and state agencies. TDI-Brooks acquires, processes and interprets geological, geophysical and geotechnical data to assist in assessing the suitability of offshore sites for wind farms and their infrastructure. We have extensive experience, providing detailed analyses of the seabed and accurate assessments of subsurface conditions for offshore windfarm sites.

Contact Us

TDI-Brooks International, Inc.
14391 S. Dowling Road
College Station, TX 77845

Phone: +1 (979) 693-3446